Software Tools

Spirent Communications

Spirents GNSS Foresight ist ein cloudbasierter Vorhersagedienst, der 3D-Karten von Städten mit ihren Gebäuden und anderen Empfangshindernissen und Multi-GNSS-Informationen nutzt, ...

PNT TestBench will execute test cases sequentially, interact with device under tests, analyse the results and generate a report – evaluating your device for fundamental GNSS ...

Realistic multipath and obscuration simulation - simulating the impact of the local environment on GNSS signals

Spirent, the leading provider of navigation and positioning test solutions, have developed SimAUTO as a ready-to-use solution to testing integrated in-vehicle navigation systems ...

A fully flexible Multi-GNSS simulator software suite. SimGEN supports a comprehensive range of current and future GNSS signals, including GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, BeiDou-2, WAAS, ...

No-hardware Lizent von SimGEN

SimHIL Integrated hardware-in-the-loop testing

Using SimINERTIAL with a Spirent simulator provides real-time emulation from the laboratory. Either simulates the Inertial Test inputs of several types of Integrated GPS/Inertial ...

I/Q Capture & Replay with GSS7000 an d GSS9000 Simulators

Software for simulation of LEO satellite constellations, complementary to GSS9000 or GSS7000

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