3D Signal Simulation


Realistische 3D Multipath- und Signalabschattungs-Simulation - Simulation der Auswirkungen der lokalen Umgebung auf GNSS-Signale. Unterstützt alle Konstellationen, Frequenzen und ...

SE-FAST-RADAR simulates radar signals of a 3D virtual database in realtime. SE-FAST-RADAR provides images of the reflectivity maps with refresh rates up to 20 Hz!

SE-AGETIM-LIGHT is a simple standalone software that enables easy 3D environment generation that can be used for simulation and modelling. SE-AGETIM-LIGHT enables integration of ...

SE-3D-DB is a set of 5 geo-typical 3D databases ready to use in visible, infra-red and electromagnetic domains. There are fully compatible with the SE-Workbench post processing.

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